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E-mail: sciencealgorithm@yandex.com


Requirements for articles:

Main part:

  • The title of the article is in capital letters and in bold, in the middle (14 fonts), after 1 interval from the name of the article the author’s (s) full name, academic degree, academic title and place of work (study), e-mail and phone number are given (12 fonts).
  • annotation to the article (summary and purpose of the article 150-250 words, 12 fonts) and keywords (10-15 words, 12 fonts);
  • the main text of the article is written in Times New Roman, 12 font, 1 space;
  • References to the article should be shown in the form [1,2, …] and at the end of the article as references. It is recommended to use the site www.snoska.info for accurate references.
  • The title of the article, information about the author (s), annotation, keywords must be in Uzbek, Russian, English.

Additional information:

  • Pictures: All graphic materials (drawings, tables, diagrams, pictures) are marked as “Picture” (“Picture”) with Arabic numerals. Symbols or signs – placed below the picture, in the next row, in the middle, and marked with a bold font.
  • Tables: The word “table” is denoted by Arabic numerals. The table name and record number (without dots) are given and aligned to the right, the table name is written in bold in the middle of the next line.
  • Formula input requirements: Formulas and special characters are written only in the Microsoft Equation-3 editor. The formulas are placed in the center.
  • The author is responsible for the accuracy, correctness and non-copying of the information and evidence in the article.
  • Articles are analyzed by an expert commission and recommended articles will be published. Articles that are not recommended will not be published and articles will not be returned to the author.
  • The article should be 4-10 pages long.


Articles can be sent via the website or by e-mail to the address: ijoatans@sciencealgorithm.uz